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• wetlands
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• endangered species
• frogs
• birdlife
• marine


Towra - Photo: Daphne Salt
The Kurnell Peninsula is home to Sydney's most important estuarine wetland at Towra Point. Towra (above) contains 50% of the mangroves and most of the saltmarsh remaining in the Sydney region. It is a haven for a range of migratory bird species and is one of the most important breeding sites on the Australian east coast for the endangered Little Tern. For detailed information about Towra Point, visit our towra website.

In addition to extensive tidal wetlands, Towra also contains a number of freshwater wetlands including Weedy Pond (below) in which eastern longneck tortoises have been observed.
Weedy Pond
There are other significant wetlands on the Peninsula including those located at Marton Park and in Botany Bay National Park. Some of the species found in these wetlands include Coastal Wattle, Bangalay, Swamp She Oak, Cabbage Tree Palm, Bracken Fern, Gristle Fern, Common Reed, Cattail and others. These species in late 2000 were listed as an Endangered Ecological Community. (More details)

Wetlands such as these provide shelter, feeding and breeding grounds for significant birds, reptiles and amphibians including the Green and Golden Bell Frog. Marton Park is also listed as a significant wetland area in the Regional Environmental Plan for the Kurnell Peninsula.

Bonna Point Reserve, also bounded by the mangrove wetlands of Towra Point Aquatic Reserve.

In 2000, Sutherland Shire Council developed an artificial wetland adjacent to the southern end of Captain Cook Drive (below), to treat stormwater runoff entering Woolooware Bay.
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