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Towra Point Nature Reserve

Towra Point includes the most important wetland in the Sydney region. It is listed as a Ramsar site of international conservation significance and is one of the most important breeding sites for the endangered Little Tern on the Australian east coast. It is managed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

The dominant habitats within the Reserve are saltmarsh and open woodland. The Reserve is surrounded by large areas of mudflat, mangroves and seagrass beds. These are habitats of high conservation significance within the region. Towra includes 50% of the remaining mangroves in Sydney and most of the saltmarshes remaining in the Sydney region.

Towra Point is a major breeding, feeding and roosting site for threatened bird species. 34 migratory bird species have been recorded using the Reserve, including the Japanese Snipe. TPNR also has important cultural values.

Three Aboriginal sites have been recorded within the Reserve. Towra Lagoon, which is adjacent to Towra Beach, probably provided freshwater for Aboriginal communities, and was mapped by James Cook in 1770.

For more detailed information about Towra Point, visit our towra pages.
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