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There are a number of groups and activities that strive to improve the environment of historic Kurnell Peninsula. You are warmly invited to take part. Some of these are listed below.

Kurnell Regional Environment Planning Council (KREPC)

KREPC is a coalition of 8 local community groups with an interest in the Kurnell Peninsula. Meeting at monthly (executive) and quarterly (plenary) intervals, KREPC aims to promote a sound future for the natural environment and cultural heritage of the the Kurnell Peninsula. You can contact KREPC by email to find out more information.

Friends of Towra Point Nature Reserve

The Friends of Towra undertake work in the Nature Reserve on at least one Saturday per month. Activities are varied and include bush regeneration, seed collection, vegetation surveys and habitat creation for the Little Tern. The activities are coordinated by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and if you would like to find out about the next work day and register as a volunteer phone 9668 9111.

Photo: Patrick Medway

Friends of Botany Bay National Park

Also coordinated by NPWS, this group generally works on at least one Thursday each month on a variety of activities aimed at improving the condition of the National Park. They have been involved recently in removal of asparagus fern adjacent to Cook's Stream, weed surveys and mapping, eradication of lantana and other weeds, and erosion control at Cape Solander and Potter Point.

They play an important part in managing areas after fires, evidenced following a major fire on the Peninsula in October 2000. To register as a volunteer contact NPWS on 9668 9111.

Clean Up of Historic Drive

Another intiative on the Kurnell Peninsula is the clean up of the main access road into Kurnell. The local Progress/Precinct Residents Association has teamed up with the Sutherland Shire Tourism Association to coordinate a project whereby volunteers adopt a 1 km section of the road which they are responsible for cleaning up. Local businesses and landholders also participate and Council are in support and provide insurance and gloves for volunteers. Dozens of volunteers have signed up and work is undertaken on a regular basis. If you are interested in participating contact the Kurnell Progress and Precinct Residents Association.

Cronulla Dunes and Wetlands Protection Alliance Inc

This group was formed when it heard of the proposal to rezone the Australand site for residential use. It had accumulated an understanding and knowledge of the surrounding flora, fauna and unique landforms of the area. In the late 1990s it developed a proposal for a walking track and environmental education centre around the surrounds of the Australand site. To read a transcript of a major speech given by the Alliance click here To find out more about this group send us an email.

Taren Point Wetland Group

Interested in the preservation and enhancement of the Taren Point wetlands, this group was instrumental in having the Taren Point shorebirds listed as an Endangered Ecological Community and is currently keeping a close eye on major developments at Taren Point.

NPWS Discovery Tours

NPWS conduct walks, talks and tours of Botany Bay National Park and Towra Point Nature Reserve. To find out details of the 'when and where' of upcoming tours click here.

Sutherland Shire Council Dune Care - Silver Beach

Volunteers work on dune preservation work along Silver Beach on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. Volunteers meet at 8.30am. For further details contact Sutherland Shire Bushcare on 9710 0192

Kurnell Progress and Precinct Residents Association

The Association meets at monthly intervals and is involved in a number of projects in Kurnell including the clean up of Captain Cook Drive, the Marton Park Heritage Walk and the John Weir Reserve project. It is also directly involved in Sutherland Shire Council's Kurnell Tourism Strategy Working Party. It is also responsible for co-coordinating Kurnell's annual 'Festival of the Sails' in conjunction with Sutherland Shire Tourism. The Association meets at monthly intervals and for more information contact Sutherland Shire Council.

Sutherland Shire Tourism Association

The Association are involved in a number of activities aimed at promoting the Peninsula's tourist potential. See our Tourism section for more details. To visit the SSTA website click here.

Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

Each year since 1991 the Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre has taken students from Years 11 and 12 on tours of the Peninsula to complete a Field study which forms part of their study of a Fragile Ecosystem. Students gain an insight into and experience of the Biophysical nature of wetlands and are given information concerning habitat, the ecology of the area, its importance as habitat for migratory birds and as a nesting site for Little Tern.

For more information visit the BBEEC website here.
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